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Fish Class

The Fish Class serves children ages 3 -4, Monday through Friday, with options of 4 or 5 days.​


Welcome to a day in the Fish Class. We are so happy to see you!


Please come in and explore. Here are some of the things you might choose to do this morning during free play:

  • Build a castle, a home for fairies, or a long, winding train track

  • Play together in the kitchen or dramatic play area

  • Draw, cut, or make collages in the art center

  • Practice taking turns or asking a friend to play

  • Retell a story we’ve read with felt boards or puppets

  • Work on a puzzle or play a game with a small group

  • Paint at the easel with fingers, feathers, cars, or brushes

  • Read or practice writing letters one-on-one with a teacher

  • Use a magnifying glass to examine leaves, rocks, or insects 

  • Roll and shape play dough

  • Scoop and pour water or beans at the sensory table


When it’s time to clean up we work together! After we wash hands we eat a healthy snack together and practice good table manners. 


We love to read books at story time. We listen, ask questions, and make predictions. Sometimes we share or create our own stories together. We also love to sing and move.


During art, we celebrate our own imaginations and ideas as we have fun exploring lots of different techniques, tools, and materials.


Before we head outside our teachers help us practice important self-care skills such as putting on our jackets and zipping zippers. Outside on the playground we run, jump, ride trikes, dig, swing, balance, throw, catch, kick, and climb. We may play together with the parachute, hunt for fossils, cook in the sand kitchen, water the garden, take a nature walk, or blow bubbles.


Before we know it, it’s time to go home. We say goodbye to our friends and teachers. We’ve had a busy day in the Fish Class, playing, exploring, growing, and learning together.


Kids in the optional Lunch Program eat lunch, brought from home, together and then enjoy extra outdoor playtime. More information can be found under the More tab.




© 2016 - United Church Preschool

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